
Monday, November 19, 2012

Makeover Monday: Skinny Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

This pumpkin dip has me speechless.  I have been racking my brain trying to come up with something perfect to say about it.  I'm blank.  I guess all I can say is that I absolutely love it!  I first came across pumpkin dip last Christmas while at an in-law's house.  I'm not sure how long pumpkin dip has been a thing, and why I had never had it before, but this year I am thankful that pumpkin dip is in my life!

I was amazed with how awesome this dip was the first trip I took through the food line where we first met.  It was served with Teddy Grahams, and made sort of a bite-sized pumpkin pie with each dip.  I'm don't know how many times I went back to that table and got "one more" dip.  But I'm pretty sure that if I did know I would be too embarrassed to tell you anyway!  Trust me.  You have to make this dip!

I made my own pumpkin dip for the first time this past weekend when I had my family over to our house.  Remembering how addictive this stuff was, I knew I had to make a lower calorie version of it.  That was easy.  Not eating it all before people showed up was the hard part.  All I did was use low fat cream cheese, lite Cool-Whip, and fat-free sugar-free pudding mix.  The original recipe I had called for vanilla pudding mix.  I used cheesecake flavored pudding, and I would definitely recommend you do the same if you can.  It made this even awesome-er! 

If you are concerned about using lower calorie ingredients, don't be.  Let me tell you a little story.  My mom is a don't-give-me-any-of-that-low-fat-crap kinda gal.  I'm more of a I'm-gonna-give-you-low-fat-if-I-feel-like-it kinda gal.  And I say that because before she came over to my house she said, "don't give me any of that low fat crap."  And I said, "I'm gonna give you low fat if I feel like it."  Got it?  So I gave her low fat (and sugar free!).  I think you know how this turns out.  You're right.  She ate it.  She liked it.  She had no idea.  

I served my pumpkin cheesecake dip with animal crackers, graham crackers, and apple slices.  All were yummy, but I think I actually liked the apple slices the best.  I love that I can satisfy my sweet tooth while still getting some vegetables, via pumpkin, and fruit!

So if you're keeping track of the great things about this recipe, let's catch up.  It's delicious.  It's low calorie.  It's versatile.  And it's also easy.  I'm talking seriously easy.  If you have 5 minutes (maybe even less!) you can whip up some yummy pumpkin cheesecake dip.  This makes it perfect for the busy holiday season!  And did I mention that it is delicious?

Skinny Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip
1 (15 oz) can pumpkin
4 oz light cream cheese
1 small box sugar-free fat-free cheesecake pudding mix
2 cups lite Cool-Whip
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/3 tsp ground ginger
1/3 tsp ground cloves
Blend pumpkin, cream cheese, pudding mix, and spices until smooth.  Fold in the Cool-Whip.  Serve with apple slices, graham crackers, or ginger snaps.

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