
Monday, July 23, 2012

Makeover Monday: Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

As it continues to be 100 degrees or more outside every day, my oven continues to be on strike.  And in this time, no bake pies are becoming a good friend of mine.  Not just the kind of friend that you add on Facebook and tolerate obnoxious status updates from.  I'm talking about the kind of friend that takes you out to dinner just because and calls you on your birthday.  I am tight with these summer-friendly pies!  They are very versatile, easy, quick, and most importantly, delicious.  

And my latest no-bake pie creation also has the distinction of being low in fat and sugar.  I would like to introduce you to my new BFF, chocolate peanut butter pie.  Who wouldn't want to befriend a pie with chocolate pudding over a chocolate graham cracker crust and a light peanut buttery cheese cake-ish topping, garnished with peanuts and chocolate syrup?  

This tasty pie didn't take much to devour, but it took almost no effort to make.  Don't tell anybody!  I easily prepared it over my lunch break to have ready for dinner that night.  And it is definitely a crowd-pleaser.  I mean, just look at those layers of deliciousness!  
Simply using low fat and low sugar ingredients makes this pie a great dessert that feels like a splurge, but isn't.  I used fat free and sugar free chocolate pudding, light whipped topping, reduced fat cream cheese, and Splenda.  And it was still amazing!  When I was picking out my crust, I looked at the calorie levels of a regular pre-made graham cracker crust and compared it to the chocolate variety.  I was pleased to see that they were the same.  With calories out of the picture, the decision between a regular crust and a chocolate crust was simple.  Chocolate.  Duh.  

I do feel the need to disclose that after most of this pie had been joyfully consumed, I realized that this Keebler pie crust does have a gram of trans fat per serving.  Oops.  Even dietitians get fooled some times!  Trans fats should be avoided as much as possible, so I think next time I might go for another crust.  But having a crust like this every now and then isn't the end of the world.  And having something this delicious definitely makes the world a better place!
How can I be mad at a pie like that?  I would accept this chocolate peanut butter pie's friend request any day!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
1 Keebler Chocolate Ready Crust
1 1/2 cups skim milk
1 pkg (1 oz) sugar free, fat free chocolate pudding mix
 4 oz fat free or reduced fat cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup creamy peanut butter
8 oz light frozen whipped topping
1/2 cup Splenda granulated with fiber
1 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp roasted peanuts, crushed
Chocolate syrup, for garnish
With an electric or stand mixer, beat chocolate pudding mix and cold milk for 2 minutes.  Pour into pie crust and set aside to set.
Meanwhile, beat cream cheese and peanut butter together until smooth.  Stir in whipped topping, Splenda, and cornstarch until thoroughly combined.  Spoon the mixture over the chocolate pudding.
Refrigerate 4 hours, or until set.  Top with peanuts.
Other optional toppings: Reese's Puffs cereal, chopped Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, chocolate syrup, or additional whipped topping.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! This sounds incredible! Pretty sure it wouldn't last long at our house!
