
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hot Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal

This post is going to be short and sweet.  That's because this is one of the easiest recipes I have ever, and will ever, post.  Oatmeal is one of my go-to breakfasts when I eat at home during the week.  Usually I make it with skim milk, ground flax seed, and cinnamon.  Sometimes I don't have milk around (gasp!).  In that case, I use powdered milk.  I have been drinking hot chocolate in the evenings lately.  That has powdered milk in it.  Last night, it occurred to me that it might be really awesome to use hot chocolate mix to make oatmeal.  

So this morning, I tried it out.  And it was every bit as awesome as I hoped it would be!  Yummy, chocolaty, easy, and nutritious!  As I was eating it, I was thinking that I was the most brilliant person to ever live.   I made oatmeal with hot chocolate.  Take that, Einstein. Then I realized that it would be even better with peanut butter.  What's not?  So I took a tablespoon of peanut butter, heated it up in the microwave to thin it out, and stirred in into my remaining oatmeal.  Jackpot!

If you thought you didn't like oatmeal because it is boring, you must try this hot chocolate peanut butter oatmeal.  It is amazing!  And, for chocolate and peanut butter, it is quite healthy.  I used a packet of no-sugar-added hot chocolate mix that had 50 calories.  Add that to 150 calories from oatmeal and 100 calories from peanut butter, and you get 300 calories.  And you get a delicious, satisfying, and filling way to start your day!

Hot Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal
1/2 cup quick-cooking oatmeal
8 oz (1 cup) water
1 packet no-sugar-added hot chocolate mix
1 Tbsp peanut butter
Stir all ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl.  Microwave 1 minute and 30 seconds.  Stir.  Heat an additional 30 seconds if needed to achieve desired consistency.

Serves 1

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