
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Reese's Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats

I can't speak for everyone else, but in my part of the world it has been HOT! And now that I have a real job again, I have been BUSY! I hope no one is suffering too badly from The Foodie RD withdrawal syndrome. In the spirit of being hot and busy, my new motto is fast and cool. Anything I can whip up without firing up my oven is finding its way onto the top of my menu. And I'm happy to report that I've got some good stuff up my sleeves!

Batting first in my line-up of summer recipes is Reece's Rice Krispie Treats. Few desserts are as easy to make as Rice Krispie Treats. And while I enjoy a plain Rice Krispie Treat every now and then, they're not the most exciting thing in the world. When a sweet treat needs a snazzy but simple makeover, I can't think of anything much better to add than chocolate and peanut butter. In my experience, you absolutely can't go wrong adding chocolate and peanut butter to just about anything. And I found our that Rice Krispies are definitely no exception! I don't care how hot it is, or how busy you are. Please, please, please take the few extra minutes to trick out your next batch of Rice Krispies with Reece's and chocolate chips. You must!
This was actually my second attempt at making these.  Believe it or not, the first time I thought there was too much peanut butter.  I know, I was afraid maybe an alien had taken over my body.  But then my husband ate one and he agreed with me.  And he would let me know if he didn't agree with me!  So I did something I thought I would never do and I modified a recipe to have less peanut butter.  And I think it was better for it.  These are definitely the best Rice Krispie treats I have ever had.  Let's just say they didn't last long!

On a hot summer day, I love that this recipe can be made entirely in the microwave.  No heating up the kitchen!  I melted the marshmallows and margarine together in a large liquid measuring cup.  If you do too, just be careful to watch it and stir it occasionally so it doesn't spill over.
I was also really frustrated the first time I made these that I spent a lot of time chopping the Reese's, and then I stirred them into hot peanut butter and they just melted.  So when I made them again I microwaved peanut butter and then spread the thinned peanut butter...
over the Rice Krispie treats...
then topped with the chopped Reese's.
I also found that the Reese's were easier to chop when they were cold.  If they start getting warm, they melt and fall apart.  So I put mine in the refrigerator for a while before chopping.  Then I made a quick chocolate glaze by melting chocolate chips and shortening together in the microwave.  And I drizzled the chocolate glaze over the Reese's.  And the result was this...
And it was awesome!  So do yourself a favor and make these Reese's Peanut Butter Rice Krispie treats, and stay tuned for more heating bill-friendly recipes this summer!
Reese's Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats
6 cups Rice Krispies
1 bag (10.5-oz) miniature marshmallows
1/4 cup margarine or butter
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1 bag (12-oz) miniature Reese's peanut butter cups, quartered
1 cup chocolate chips
1 Tbsp shortening
Spray a 9x13-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray and set aside.  Measure Rice Krispies into a large mixing bowl and set aside.
Melt together the marshmallows and margarine in a medium saucepan or in microwave.  Pour the melted marshmallow mixture over the cereal and stir together until the cereal is coated.  Spread evenly into prepared pan.
In the microwave, melt the peanut butter until thin, about 1 minute.  Spread over Rice Krispie treats.  Top peanut butter with chopped Reese's and press down lightly to allow Reese's to adhere to peanut butter.
Melt chocolate chips and shortening together in microwave and drizzle over the top of the Reese's.
Allow to cool before cutting.

Recipe adapted from Brown Eyed Baker

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