
Monday, September 26, 2011


Welcome to my new blog!  As you can see in my "About Me" section, I am a dietitian, who also loves to cook, bake, and eat!  I am hoping this blog will be a place I can share health tips, some healthy recipes, and some not-so-healthy recipes.
I grew up helping my mom in the kitchen, but really discovered my love for food while in college at K-State (go Wildcats!!).  As part of my dietetics curriculum I was required to take a class on food science.  Included in that class was a weekly four hour lab in a room with about twenty mini kitchens where we performed culinary experiments.  I guarantee that was the only four hour lab I ever looked forward to!
As I have learned more about cooking, I think my greatest discovery has been all the things that I always made from a mix that can be made from scratch.  Cakes, and muffins, and waffles-oh my!  I never even dreamed of making many things on my own that are actually so easy.  I hope that my experiences in the kitchen can help others start their own journey.  Happy baking!

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